Maryland Purchase

  Complete the form below to calculate SECU Title Service and Title Insurance fees.

Property Details

Purchase Price
Loan Amount
Second Loan Amount:

Purchaser(s) Information

Do/did you have a purchase money trust/mortgage (Borrowed money to purchase property) and has the the purchase money trust/mortgage has been on record for more than 12 months.
Is the property residential improved property?
Will all buyers occupy the subject property?*
Are Transfer Taxes being Split?*
Are Purchasers First-Time Homebuyers?*

The buyer(s) has never owned residential real property in Washington County that has been the individual's principal residence AND the buyer(s) has been a resident in Washington County continuously for twelve months prior to this purchase.

Will any of the buyers be using a Power of Attorney?
How many POAs will be recorded?
Does the transaction involve a short sale?
Does the transaction involve bank-owned or REO real estate?
Number of Mortgages/Deeds of Trust to be paid off or released: *
Volume Code: